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Update to the GD no. 946/2017 on establishing the quota types of 2018 newly admitted employees to th

Government Decision no. 946/2017 published in the Official Gazette on 29th of December 2017, established a total number of 7000 employment permits which could be issued in 2018 to Non-European citizens, of which 4000 were for permanent workers and 1200 for seconded workers.

Since on the 9th of July 2018, the quota for seconded foreign workers was completely used, the General Inspectorate for Immigration took the necessary steps with the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice to supplement the quota of employment permits for permanent workers and for seconded workers, which can be issued to foreigners.

Subsequently, the Romanian Government adopted on the 2nd of August 2018 a decision supplementing the quota types of workers admitted to the labor market in 2018, modifying the letters a) and b) from GD no. 946/2017, having the following content:

  1. permanent workers – 8000;

  2. seconded workers – 5200.

Thus, the total number of employment permits that can be issued in 2018 for Non-European citizens is 15000, which reflects a clear increase of foreign required staff on the Romanian labor market.

Source: Ministry of Labour and Social Justice, General Inspectorate for Immigration.


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