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The qualities of an accounting expert in the relationship with the business partner

August 26, 2016 We build stable and long-lasting relationships with our partners. And this is due to the way we look at our mission as experts in auditing, the fiscal and financial-accounting field. And our mission can only be fulfilled through a correct and open approach in collaboration with the client. We strongly believe that every business to grow needs a reliable partner and dedicated to the financial optimization of the company. There are several aspects that we follow, especially in the way we carry out our professional activity in relation to those who use our services. The proactive attitude is one of the factors that opens the collaboration relationship and maintains it in the sphere of trust and professionalism. The fiscal and the financial-accounting domain are complex domains and present periodic modifications and rectifications that the client must know about. Correct and timely information helps companies make the best decisions, ensure that their financial activity is recorded and reported on time, and that taxes are paid on time to avoid penalties. Thus, we keep in constant contact with our clients, keeping them up to date with the news in the fiscal and financial-accounting field and with the implications they have on their business. We provide information in an accessible way. We communicate to the client the information in the field of taxation and accounting in an accessible language, regardless of its field of activity. This way we make sure that we successfully fulfill our role as a reliable partner, who not only does things well, but also wants the person who enjoys these services to understand the process and contribute to it. It is important to pass on our knowledge to those we work with because in this way they can make the most appropriate financial decisions for their business. We are always open to answering questions that come to us. Responsibility. We understand and support the business interests of our clients. We are aware of the importance of our role as a business consultant and partner that provides those services that the smooth running of a company needs. We apply in the provision of our services the highest quality standards and we are always up to date with the client’s business field, but also with the changes of the fiscal and financial-accounting regulations. Readiness. An important aspect in building a trusting relationship with customers is to provide services on time and to the highest standards of fairness and accuracy. Therefore, we respect the established schedules so that the delivery of reports or other financial-accounting or fiscal materials does not suffer delays or attract unwanted penalties. Confidentiality. A very important thing in the relationship with those we work with is confidentiality. It depends on the ethics of our work and the way we understand to respect our clients and to achieve success in our activity. Whenever you want to know more about how we can support your business, contact us and we will be happy to talk and together find the best formula for financial optimization of your business.


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