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Romanian gross average salary per economy in 2022

According to art. 15 from Law no. 318/2021 regarding the state social insurance budget for 2022, the gross average salary per economy has been increased to Ron 6,095 (from Ron 5,380/2021 established by Law no. 15/2021 regarding the state budget on 2021).

Based on the immigration legal requirements in force, highly skilled workers (Non–EU citizens that have concluded an individual employment contract with a Romanian employer), must earn a gross monthly salary not lower than 2*the gross average salary per economy (Ron 12,190), according to art. 56 para 1 from GEO no. 194/2002 regarding the foreigner’s regime in Romania.

Thus, starting with 01.01.2022, for further extensions of the residence right for highly skilled workers residents in Romania, the salary level has to be adjusted to meet the level required by law (in case the salary of a highly skilled worker is currently under the minimum amount stipulated by the law, since in 2021 it amounted Ron 10,760). The same rule applies to new highly skilled work permit applications.

The average wage/economy is applicable as well to the following categories of foreigners that intend to travel to Romania and reside on the territory: for other purposes, for economical and/or professional activities, when requesting the long-term visa and the extension of the residence right.

Source: Law no. 318/2021 regarding the state social insurance budget for 2022, chapter III, article 15, published in the Official Gazette part I, no. 1239/28.12.2021.


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