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Right to deduction – Incorrect description of the goods on the invoices

The tax authorities may not refuse a taxpayer the right to deduct input VAT on the sole ground that the purchase invoices contain an error relating to the identification of the goods which are covered by the transactions. Penalizing the taxpayer’s failure to comply with formal conditions by refusing the right of deduction goes beyond what is necessary to achieve the objective of ensuring the correct application of the VAT neutrality principle. The authorities must also take into account the additional information and documents provided by that taxable person in order to assess whether the substantive conditions for the VAT deduction are met. Furthermore, it is not necessary for the taxable person to issue an amending document to correct the mistake, nor to request corrective invoices from his supplier as long as he provides the tax authorities with the explanations and documents necessary to determine the actual purpose of the transactions (13/12/2018, C-491/18).


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