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Modifications regarding the work program with the public for foreign citizens

In the context of measures to prevent and limit the spread of infection with COVID-19, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (GII) establishes new measures for foreign citizens, which will be applied during the establishment of the national emergency state, as follows:

  1. Starting with 20.03.2020, the activity of receiving requests for the issuing of travel documents, residence permits, family reunification, for the beneficiaries of a form of international protection is suspended, as well as the suspension of the requests for the return of the national passports, for the issuance of copies of documents, or rectifying the data in the personal file;

  2. The requests registered on the online portal will be received, and in the case of the non-programmed ones, they will be received only for fully justified situations, of maximum urgency.

If the validity of the documents issued by the GII (residence permits, travel documents, return decisions, etc.) will expire during this period, they will be automatically extended until the end of this situation, without any actions required from the foreign citizens.

At the same time, the previously approved measures are maintained, with the purpose of avoiding crowding in the areas of public relations: the activity of relationship will be carried out by electronic means of communication and through postal services; access within the premises of the structures will be allowed only to the foreign citizens in person or, as the case may be, to the mandated / delegated persons, based on the identity document / border crossing document, presented in original.

The suspension of the activities at the information points as well as the suspension of the requests for granting the right of long-term residence to foreign nationals and beneficiaries of international protection are maintained. The activity of receiving the audience within the GII structures is also suspended. At the same time, the interviews aimed at identifying the elements of the marriage of convenience, with the written notification of the foreigners, will be rescheduled.

During the state of emergency, the public relations program may make hourly changes, and in this regard, foreign citizens are asked to consult the Contact section of the public site by accessing the following link:

The obligations of foreigners stipulated in GEO no. 194/2002 republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, regarding informing the authorities about the changes in the situation of foreigners (ie. change of residence / domicile, change of names, etc.) or regarding the theft / loss of the residence permit will be notified in the deadline stipulated by the law, on the e-mail address of the territorially competent structure, following that for the exchange of the permit, the foreign citizen will submit a subsequent application.



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