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Modification of the GD no. 34/2019

Government Decision no. 34/2019 published in the Official Gazette no. 80 on 31.01.2019, established a total number of 20,000 of work permits that can be issued in 2019 to Non-European citizens, newly-admitted workers for the following types of workers: permanent, trainee, seasonal, cross-border, highly skilled, seconded, ICT (people transferred within the same company).

Considering the following:

  1. in the first 8 months of this year, there was a significant increase in the number of requests for issuing the work permits for foreign workers and more than 17,800 work permits were issued (an average of over 2,200 work permits issued monthly and an increase with 165% of the number of work permits issued in 2018);

  2. the economic development potential of Romania, the need to ensure the labor force required in some sectors of activity or trades, which cannot be covered by the Romanian workers, but also to prevent situations in which foreigners work in Romania without legal forms;

  3. the labor migration policy and the repeated requests of the representatives of the business environment,

The Romanian Government adopted on 27.08.2019, the decision no. 634 supplementing the quota for types of newly admitted workers on the labor market in 2019, with 10,000 work permits.

Thus, the total number of work permits that can be issued in 2019 for Non – European foreign nationals is 30,000, which reflects an obvious increase of foreign personnel in the Romanian labor market.

Source: General Inspectorate for Immigration.


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