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Modification of the activity of Public Relations of the General Inspectorate for Immigration

During the emergency state decreed by the Romanian Government:

  1. the activities of receiving all the requests made by the foreign and European citizens based on GEO 194/2002 regarding the regime of foreigners in Romania and the GEO 102/2005 regarding the free movement in the territory of Romania of the citizens of the EU / EEA / EC member states, are suspended, as well as the issuance of documents, except in cases of maximum urgency, justified;

  2. the activities of receiving the applications and issuing the work permits for employment/secondment formulated pursuant to GO 25/2014 regarding employment and posting of foreigners in Romania, are maintained.

Clarifications regarding the legal situation of foreign citizens during the emergency state

  1. Documents issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration to foreign nationals, respectively residence permits, employment / secondment permits, long-stay visas, return decisions, documents issued to tolerated foreigners, etc., but also those issued to European citizens and their family members, certificates of registration and residence cards, which expire during this period, remain valid until the end date of the emergency state. Also, the travel documents issued to the beneficiaries of a form of international protection and to the persons without citizenship, as well as the temporary identity documents of the asylum seekers, remain valid;

  2. Documents that expire during the emergency state, issued by the public authorities, can be exchanged within 90 days from the end date of the emergency state, according to the Military Ordinance no. 3/2020, regarding the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19;

  3. Suspension of the individual employment contracts, carried out under the conditions provided by art. 52 paragraph (1) lit. c) of Law no. 53/2003 – The Labor Code, republished, with the subsequent modifications and completions, in case of temporary interruption or reduction of the activity, without ceasing the employment relationship, for economic, technological, structural or similar reasons, does not constitute a reason for revoking the right of residence on the territory of Romania, for foreigners engaged in work;

  4. During the establishment of the emergency state, it is not considered absence from the Romanian territory (due to the international circulation restrictions generated by the COVID-19 pandemic) the period when the foreign citizen was not in Romania, in order to verify the fulfillment of the condition of granting the right for long-term stay, provided in art. 71 paragraph 1 point (i) of GEO 194/2002 regarding the regime of foreigners in Romania.

Source: (30.03.2020)


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