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Legislative changes regarding the increase of minimum gross wage per economy and its impact on the i

Starting with 01.01.2022, the minimum gross wage per economy guaranteed will be increased from Ron 2,300 to Ron 2,550, for employed personnel with 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week.

At the same time, the differentiated minimum salary for higher education, which this year is 2,350 Ron, will no longer be applicable from 2022, its value not being increased.

There have also been no changes related to the minimum wage for construction employees, which remains at the value of 3,000 Ron.

According to the legal provisions regarding the regime of foreigners in Romania, it is mandatory for the following categories of Non-EU citizens to align their salaries at the level of the minimum gross wage, in order to access the Romanian labour market, obtain the work permit and extend the residence right on the Romanian territory (residence permit):

  1. foreign citizens locally employed as permanent workers or posted workers;

  2. posted foreign citizens as ICT workers within a mobility;

  3. foreign citizens seconded from an EU /EAA country/ Swiss Confederation, to Romania;

  4. foreign citizens that are appointed under the direction of a subsidiary, branch or branch in Romania of a company based abroad, on a mandate contract or other document with the same legal value.

In case of a foreign citizen resident in Romania employed with the minimum wage / economy in 2021, the preparation of the addendum to the individual employment contract with salary change has to be concluded by end of 2021, effective from 01.01.2022, this change following to be registered in Revisal according to the legal term (maximum 20 days from the date of entering into force).

Source: Decision no. 1.071/04.10.2021 to determine the minimum gross wage per economy per country guaranteed in payment, published in the Official Gazette no. 950/05.10.2021


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