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Legislative changes regarding the conditions of issuing the employment approvals for foreign citizen

According to Government Emergency Ordinance no. 75/2018, art. 4 paragraph 2 from Ordinance no. 25/2014 regarding the employment and secondment of foreign citizens on the Romanian territory, will be modified as follows:

The eligibility condition regarding the employment of foreign citizens on the Romanian territory is considered that the Romanian employer has not been sanctioned during the last 6 months prior to the submission to the General Inspectorate for Immigration of the request for the employment approval for permanent workers/ seasonal / trainees / cross-border / highly qualified, for the following contraventions:

  1. performing work activities by individuals, for the employer, without concluding individual labor contracts between the parties;

  2. failure for transmission of the individual labor contracts to the Electronic Employee Registry (Revisal), within minimum one (1) business day before the start date of the activity;

considering that a 3-year term was foreseen before the current Ordinance. This term remains standing for employment approvals for secondment or ICT.

Legal basis: Ordinance no. 75/2018 regarding legislation changing and completion in environmental protection domain and regime of foreign citizens, published in the Official Gazette, Part I, No. 631 from 19.07.2018.


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