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Gross average salary per economy in 2018

Starting with 06th of January, 2018 the gross average salary per economy has been increased from RON 3131 to RON 4162.

Therefore, all references related to the gross average salary in 2018 must consider the amount of RON 4162.

According to the Immigration legal requirements, non–EU foreigners having individual employment contract should obtain a gross salary not lower than the average gross salary per economy (RON 4162).

According to legal provisions for highly skilled workers the gross salary should not be lower than 4 * average gross salary per economy (RON 16648).

In conclusion, if the salaries of foreign citizens are currently under the minimum amount, stipulated by the Romanian law, it is mandatory to make adjustments starting with 06th of January, 2018, considering at least the level required by law.

Source: Law no. 3/2018 of the State Social Insurance Budget for 2018, chapter III, article 15, published in the Romanian Official Gazette part I, no. 5 from 03.01.2018.


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