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Get rid of the stress of tax inspections by hiring a tax consultant

July 26, 2017 In this article we will focus on tax accounting and the role of the tax consultant in tax inspections. Taxation is all laws, regulations and ways of taxation. Tax control is the action of the control body approved to supervise whether these tax regulations are respected and if the economic agents have correctly declared and have paid the taxes accordingly.

Tax controls can be a real chore for company managers, because there is a lot of information to be added and things to do in depth that are not in the area of expertise of a company manager. Because we believe that for the healthy functioning of a company each is necessary to fulfill its impeccable role on what it is meant to do, we believe that in tax inspections their preparation and implementation requires the presence of a tax consultant. Here are the benefits of partnering with a tax consultant for your company:

Tax consultant helps the company to cope with the tax system in Romania, which is quite complex The tax consultant directs on the procedures for compliance with legal requirements Tax consultant informs company about opportunities to reduce tax burden The tax consultant knows the procedures for carrying out the inspection and informs you about them Tax consultant “translates” you into an accessible language the hermetic terminology of the tax field Tax consultant offers you support in preparing documents necessary for tax inspection The tax consultant advises you on the rights you have during the tax inspection and on how to respond to inspection requests The tax consultant offers guidance in the interpretation of tax legislation, adapting it according to the particularities of each company The tax consultant has a major role in interpreting complicated tax codes and keeping up to date with the news The tax consultant helps that in a fairly dynamic fiscal framework such as the Romanian one, businesses become efficient by complying with all tax rules The most efficient companies regardless of their size or field of activity can thrive healthily, if they have a team of experts who take care of the administrative aspects related to their operation in the economic arena.

We are here to answer the questions and needs of your company, we invite you to talk, and the first step is to get in touch with us.


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