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Approval of the 2021 quota for newly admitted foreign employees to the labour market

The Government Decision no. 1133/30.12.2020 sets out a total number of 25,000 work permits that can be issued in 2021 to foreign citizens belonging to other states than the EU or the EEA or the Swiss Confederation, or to foreign citizens whose free access to the labor market is established through treaties and agreements concluded by Romania with other states, to foreigners that want to work for a Romanian employer, xanaxonline or to perform work activities in Romania, pursuant to the decision of secondment of a foreign employer.

According to Government Ordinance no. 25/2014 regarding employment and secondment of foreigners in Romania and for amending and supplementing certain acts for foreigners’ regime in Romania, at the proposal of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, in accordance with the labor migration policy and given the labor work force situation in Romania, this Government Decision approves the general quota for all types of foreign workers newly admitted to the labor market.

The decision regarding the establishment of this year’s quota for 25,000 newly admitted foreign workers was taken in view of Romania’s economic development potential, from the need to ensure the labor force required in some sectors of activity or trades, which cannot be covered by Romanian workers, but also to prevent situations in which foreigners work in Romania without legal forms.

In 2020, there was a decrease of the work permits issued until 30.09.2020, with 6,000 fewer than in the same period of 2019.

A major reason that determined the reduction of the work permit quota, was the impact of the Covid-19 spread at international level, the closure of borders, the suspension of the activities of Diplomatic Missions, including the suspension of visa applications / issuance, etc.

Another reason was the fact that, starting with September 2020, employers are exempted from the obligation to obtain the work permits for citizens of the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the Republic of Serbia, that are full-time employed, for a maximum period of nine (9) months in a calendar year, according with Law No. 200/10.09.2020 for the completion of the Emergency Ordinance of the Government No. 194/2002 on the regime of foreigners in Romania and the Government Ordinance No. 25/2014 on the employment and posting of foreigners on the territory of Romania and on the modification and completion of some normative acts on the regime of foreigners in Romania.

Source: The Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 1326 of 31.12.2020.


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