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7 rules in case of a tax inspection

August 8, 2017 Tax inspections are an important moment for any company and can sometimes create a high level of stress, especially when all the details that this entails are not well mastered. Because we want to offer our partners the full support during inspections, we have organized within our company a special department of consulting and assistance in the case of tax inspections. We are your trusted partner and we want to make your life easier in the world of taxation and tax inspections.

To accommodate this topic, today we offer you 7 basic rules that involve a tax inspection:

The tax inspection will consider examining all the facts and legal relationships that are relevant for taxation. The tax inspection will be carried out in such a way as to affect as little as possible the current activity of taxpayers and to make efficient use of the allotted time. The tax inspection is carried out only once for each tax, tax, contribution and other amounts due to the consolidated general budget and for each period subject to taxation. The tax inspection activity is organized and carried out on the basis of annual, quarter and monthly programs approved under the conditions established by order of the ANAF president, respectively by acts of local public administration authorities, as appropriate. At the beginning of the tax inspection, the inspector is obliged to present to the taxpayer the inspection card and the service order signed by the head of the control body. The start of the tax inspection must be recorded in the single control register. Upon completion of the tax inspection, the taxpayer is obliged to give a written statement, on his own responsibility, showing that all documents and information required for the tax inspection have been made available. The declaration will also mention that all documents requested and provided by the taxpayer have been returned. The taxpayer is obliged to carry out the measures provided for in the act drawn up in the framework of the tax inspection, within the deadlines and conditions set by the tax inspection bodies. Because we know that it is a topic of interest, which concerns many entrepreneurs and business owners, we are open to providing you with the necessary information for any tax inspection to pass without worry. Let’s get to know each other and talk about the things that are important to your company.


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